Art of Verbal War

About The Art of Verbal War

"​Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all."


Welcome to The Art of Verbal War, where people learn to EXCEL in verbal skills.

Verbal skills are an ESSENTIAL life skill and a bridge between mediocrity and success in life.

But, we are about more than just verbal skills.

We are about giving aspiring badasses the most essential tools, strategies, and skills they need (but never learned in school) so they have the ability to do extraordinary things and live extraordinary lives.

In other words, we teach "The Art of Kicking Ass".

We've heard from law students who want to become corporate lawyers and conquer the business world.

We've heard from aspiring young people who want to learn how to fight "the man".

We've heard from people who want to be world-changing entrepreneurs.

We've even heard from beauty pageant contestants looking for an edge in their interviews.

And many others.

They all have different goals and aspirations.​

But, a common theme we've heard from all of them is that they don't yet have the tools, skills, and the mental edge they need to win the battles they face in their careers and lives.

This can all change with the right education and training.

In ancient China, Rome, Greece, and other places around the world, aristocratic young people were taught by private tutors such as Confucius, Aristotle, Plato, and other learned men before formalized education become rooted in society.

They were taught important tools, strategies, and skills they needed to become great citizens of the world.

What kind of tools, strategies, and skills do you need to "kick ass", change, or conquer the world?

  • Persuasion and Influence
  • Strategy and Strategic Thinking
  • Power, Dominance, Game Playing, and Psychological Warfare
  • Verbal Skills (Wit, Conversation, Verbal Self-Defense, Verbal Confrontation)
  • Value Adding
  • Non-Verbal Communications (Body Language, Eye Contact, Vocal Tonality)
  • Mindsets, Assertiveness, Shaping Reality, and Positive Psychology
  • Charisma and Charm
  • Reading People, Typing People, and Human Behavior

You most likely never learned any of these things in school, did you?

We sure didn't.​

We teach essential life skills for those who want to live an extraordinary life and do extraordinary things.

But, we only want people with ambition, desire, and work ethic.

There are no shortcuts here.

There is no room for laziness.

This is no place for people who are content with mediocrity.

Hard work, grit, and desire are necessary to succeed in whatever it is you want to succeed in.

You can believe in magic pills, shortcuts, and unicorns, but we don't have any of those here.

But, if you're willing to put in the work, then we have the knowledge you want and need.​


​If you have burning ambition to live an extraordinary life and do extraordinary things, but need more skills, click below to join over 18,000+ others and get a copy of my free "Verbal Skills 101" guide ($19 value) where you will learn ten ways to supercharge your verbal abilities!

About Min Liu

Min Liu

Corporate Attorney, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, and Founder of The Art of Verbal War, and "The Big Brother You Never Had"

Hey I'm Min.

Min Liu is a corporate attorney and the author of #1 Amazon bestsellers People Games, a guide to defending yourself from power plays, mind games, and emotional manipulation, and Vocal Superstar: How to Develop a High Status Voice, a ten-step program to developing a captivating, persuasive, and authoritative speaking voice.

He is also the author of The King's Mindset, the ambitious man’s bible to life and success and a book that is dear to his heart.

In the words of his readers, he's the "older brother you never had", and as a real-life big brother himself, his mission is to show you the ropes in all the things school never taught you. ​

Things like verbal skills, ​persuasion, influence, strategic thinking, and more.

His burning ambition is to help like-minded and hungry people to excel in these things, so that they too may better give their gifts and value to the world.

He’s been through some crazy things in life such as being a one-time swimsuit model and being investigated by the feds and living to tell about it.

He's especially aroused by basketball, meditation, reading books on psychology and inspirational people, stoicism, Wagyu beef, people who are value givers, and most of all, constantly breaking out of his comfort zone and helping others break out of theirs. He also enjoys the occasional night of karaoke. On the other hand, he despises value suckers, mediocre mindsets, and most of all, wearing sweaters.​

Media, speaking, one-on-one coaching requests, or other inquiries can be sent to​

The Big Brother You Never Had,

​If you have burning ambition to live an extraordinary life and do extraordinary things, but need more skills, click below to join over 18,000+ others and get a copy of my free "Verbal Skills 101" guide ($19 value) where you will learn ten ways to supercharge your verbal abilities!

Verbal Skills 101
Art of Verbal War