[…] Warren Buffett Verbal Skills […]
[…] Warren Buffett Verbal Skills […]
Most people are well familiar with Warren Buffett’s incredible investment and business acumen. But what most people are less familiar with is his sharp wit and talent for creating memorable, homespun sayings that one cannot forget. In this blog post and video, you will learn four of his greatest verbal skills that you will want to emulate.
In every annual shareholder’s letter that Warren Buffett writes, he always leads by describing the mistakes he made in the most recent year. In addition, he always warns people that he, the world’s greatest investor, WILL make mistakes.
This is contrary to what most other companies and CEOs do. Most companies and CEOs usually try to hide mistakes made, and focus only on the good parts of their story.
They think this is the best way to be persuasive and to show that they have things under control.
However, this is the wrong thing to do if you want to be truly persuasive.
Believe it or not, if you really want people to listen to (and be persuaded by) what you have to say, you will actually get more of their attention (and trust) if you first pre-frame what you want to say by revealing your mistakes and weaknesses, and only then, do you continue on to persuade them of what you want to say.
Warren Buffett never hides the fact that he makes (and will continue to make) mistakes. And, this is the world’s greatest investor we’re talking about here! So, get over yourself, and don’t feel the need to convince others that you are perfect or know all the answers.
In fact, you show others that you are believable and credible by first showing them you have self-awareness (which includes self-awareness of your own fallibility).
This technique is some serious mind control stuff, so please use this technique for good intentions only!
In this video, you will also learn three other verbal techniques that Warren Buffett uses to be some captivating, influential, and most importantly, so memorable.
To this day, I remember many of his famous quotes because these particular techniques create sayings that are truly memorable, i.e. easy-to-remember. Because they are easy to remember, they burrow into your brain and stay there.
Two of these techniques are based on a specific type of play-on-words, which you will find at 1:52 and 2:37 in the video.
And the other technique is metaphor, but not just any kind of metaphor. Warren Buffett tends to use one specific type of metaphor, which people intuitively understand.
In my Frank Underwood video, I wrote that Frank Underwood tends to use a specific type of metaphor. In Frank Underwood’s case, as a politician playing power games on a daily basis, Frank Underwood uses “animal kingdom” metaphors frequently.
Warren Buffett doesn’t usually use animal kingdom metaphors, but he frequently uses another type of metaphor that is extremely powerful (for very good reason), and you will find out what in this video, and why these metaphors are so incredibly memorable (at 3:32 in the video). These metaphors are ones that everyone, and I mean everyone, can relate to.
Talking about metaphors, check out MASTER OF METAPHOR, my mini-course on how to master metaphoric speaking and become a “verbal god”.
[…] Warren Buffett Verbal Skills […]
[…] Warren Buffett Verbal Skills […]