How to Become a High Value Man

By Min Liu | Masculinity

How to Become a High Value Man

Hey its Min. Today, you’re going to learn about the very important concept of a “high value man”, why you should aspire to become one, and how you can do that.

But first, I’m going to tell you a few things about me that I’ve never written about before.

All painful things.

First, I used to be terrible with girls. Really, really terrible.

In particular, what I was really terrible at was keeping them around. With my naturally friendly personality, I didn’t have as many problems meeting girls, getting them to go out with me, or even dating me.

But inevitably, almost as soon as they were in the door, they were headed out the door.

Not because I was a ruthless playboy with a revolving front door to my home, but because they wanted out. I couldn’t hold on to any of the girls I wanted to have a relationship with.

Second, not only was I terrible with girls, I had a gnawing sense that even my guy friends didn’t really respect me.

Sure we were friends, but I felt like nobody listened to the things I said. Nobody took me seriously.

Third, even at work as a young corporate lawyer, people treated me the same way.

Often, my clients would ask for second opinions from other lawyers because they were not completely convinced of the things I advised them on. And, most of the best opportunities at work seemed to go to other people.

I was the farthest thing from a “high value man”.

For the longest time, I didn’t know why these things kept happening to me. The only thing I could come up with was that the world and people were just “unfair”.

I saw myself as a nice guy, and so I thought people would see that and in turn, treat me nicely and with respect. But clearly, that wasn’t true.

There is a reason why the saying “nice guys finish last” exists.

It was a painful time for me, and I felt lost.

Now, does any of this sound familiar to you?

You may be experiencing somewhat different problems in your life than I did, but do you struggle with any of the following:

  • Do you feel that women don’t respond to you, like you’re always the one chasing them and not the other way around?
  • Do you find that men lack respect for you, don’t treat you seriously, and maybe even look down on you?
  • Do you wish that people in general would think more of you, and not because you have a big ego that needs to be fed, but because life is just harder for you than other people because of how people perceive you?

Whatever you are struggling with, you’re not alone.

Trust me, you have plenty of company, and other people who struggle with these issues also do not know why they are struggling with these problems.

So, let me tell you WHY once and for all.

The main reason for all of these problems is not because the world isn’t fair (well, actually it isn’t), but because your personal “value” is too low and that fact has become all too obvious to those who interact with you.

The main reason for all of these problems is not because the world isn’t fair (well, actually it isn’t), but because your personal “value” is too low and that fact has become all too obvious to those who interact with you.

Because of this, you lack credibility, influence, and most of all “perceived value” in other people’s eyes.

It doesn’t have to be this way anymore. It’s okay if this is happening to you, but you need to put a stop to it.


You may think that you need to have good looks, fancy cars, a nice house, six pack abs, a Rolex watch, a graduate degree from a prestigious university, and an envious bank account to be taken more seriously by men and women.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yet, I see guys every single day trying so very hard to obtain these things every single day.

I’m no Asian Brad Pitt when it comes to good looks, but I’ve been fortunate enough to have every one of those other things I just mentioned at some point in my life.

I don’t say this to brag, but what I am saying is that I guarantee you that these trappings of wealth and “status symbols” buy you nothing more than a mere CHANCE to be taken seriously. But, that’s all it is.

Just a CHANCE to be taken seriously.

Trust me, I learned this the hard way.

I guarantee you that these trappings of wealth and “status symbols” buy you nothing more than a mere CHANCE to be taken seriously.

To ACTUALLY be taken seriously by people, men and women, is another thing altogether.

These EXTERNALLY facing things matter SO much less than you think they do.

Instead, it is something INTERNAL to yourself that truly matters.

Ultimately, it is your INTERACTIONS with other people that dictate and determine your success with them. If you blow whatever chances you get by interacting with people in a “low value” or “nice guy” way, it is virtually impossible to change how people perceive you.

In other words, it is how you feel INTERNALLY about yourself, i.e. your internal “value” that dictates how you INTERACT with others, which then dictates how others treat you.

Now, here are some real-life truths that you may or may not have heard:

1. The people in your life (or people you want to get to know) are constantly evaluating you, often times subconsciously.

Even though this “evaluation” may be happening subconsciously, they can FEEL and PERCEIVE the type of person you are. 

They know by the way your interact with them, whether you’re someone to be respected or on the flip side, whether you’re someone that can be trifled with.

It’s a cold, cruel, and calculating world full of cold, cruel, and calculating people, and this takes me to a fact of life I want you to never forget.

2. You must have perceived value to other people if you want them to take you seriously.

(Okay, maybe not your mother, or at least I hope not.)

We may not like this fact of life, but people follow, respect, and listen to those who they perceive have value. And, they ignore and disrespect those who have no perceived value to them.

I hate this fact about most of humanity, but instead of fighting this fact of life, we have to embrace it like that saying “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer“.

I’m a realist and I want you to embrace this bitter truth out of necessity. Keeping it real.

Now, here’s another truth:

3. The world becomes a lot more “fair” for a “high value man”.

Everything becomes easier, and life becomes so much better when you are (or become) a high value man.

Everything becomes easier, and life becomes so much better when you are (or become) a high value man.

My new book, The High Value Man, will teach you the twelve value sucking behaviors that truly keep you from being seen as a high value man, and how to eliminate them.

You will also learn how to become an assertive, prestigious man that others know cannot be trifled with. And importantly, you will learn how to do these things without becoming a domineering, abusive, so-called “alpha male” because it is all too easy for the pendulum to swing completely the other way.

And now, let me tell you one last truth:

4. It is not fairness that dictates how you are treated in life by other people. People will treat you exactly the way you show them you should be treated.

While life is indeed not fair and never will be, in this one specific way, life is actually pretty fair.

When you signal through others through your actions (and not through so-called “status symbols”) that you must be treated with respect, they will take those cues and act accordingly; and if your actions signal that you lack self-respect, then you will also be treated accordingly.

It is through your actions that others will come to respect, look up to you, and treat you better (and not those “status symbols” I talked about earlier).

And, that is how you become a “high value man”.

My new book, The High Value Man is not for everyone. This book doesn’t promise overnight transformations. This book is NOT a magic pill. If that’s what you’re looking for, I don’t have what you want.


Transforming yourself into a high value man is a PROCESS. The High Value Man is all about that process.

Among other things, The High Value Man will teach you:

  • A SIX-STEP plan to help you become a high value man.
  • The TWELVE behaviors that you must eliminate in order to become a high value man.
  • TWO guiding principles to help you always figure out how a high value man should behave.
  • FIVE tools and exercises to help your implement and reinforce high value behaviors.
  • And much more…

If you’re ready to COMMIT yourself to the process of transforming yourself into a high value man, then click HERE to get The High Value Man: Principles of Positive Masculinity now!


(For a free sample of The High Value Man before you buy, click HERE (no opt-in necessary). This sample is from the chapter called “Value Enhancers”.)





















About the Author

Min Liu is a corporate lawyer, Amazon #1 bestselling author, the founder of The Art of Verbal War, where people learn to EXCEL in verbal skills, and in the words of his readers, he's the "big brother you never had".

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